Monday, February 7, 2011


  It has been a while since my last post but anyhow AJ feels like writing something about Money laa...macam lagu Pink Floyd tuu... tak pon macam lagu M. Nasir tuu..Duit2.. In 1980, the government launched what was known as Amanah Saham Bumiputra, ASB (Bumiputra Unit Trust) i.e a unit trust scheme whereby a pool of money (large amount) from the public being managed by a professional fund managers (PNB), to be invested in classes of assets to maximise the returns to be distributed to unitholders. Apahal la panjang sangat mukaddimah nih huh, sebenornye dlm bahase org kampong lebih kurang mcm ni le.. sape2 yg ade duit lebih tu, jangan le di simpan bawah bantei, klau biase simpan kat pos opis ke, bank ke.. tukorle plak, masuk ke ASB, tapi yg ini jangan di usik langsung sampei 5 thn ke, 10 thn ke, 20 thn ke, bior je gomen uruskan...

  Make sape2 yg masok hatta RM10 ringgit pon mase 1980 tu, pd tahun 1990 tekejut besor le dengan pulangan nye, apatah lagi yg masok lebih dari tu kan... Moral ceritenye bukan ape, nak suruh adek2 nih mula menyimpan dlm ASB, kecik2 lagi baguih.. tiap kali dapat duit raye masok tabung, duit perikse No. 1, masok bank, duit masok jawi, masok bank, dsbnye lah... Cukopp 12 thn, dah ade passport, bukak akaun Remaja ASB.. transfer segale duit tabong & duit bank tu ke ASB.... Esok lepaih SPM baghu tengok bakinye, nak masok SSPN ke, nak beli Notebook utk masuk universiti ke, ape2 ajela janji for your education..

  Bile dah mule kerja plak, dah ada fixed income, ambikla loan ASB, you only service the instalments for the first year only, the rest of the tenor, you make use of the dividend to service the loan.. amacam ok tak ? Failure to plan is planning to fail.. until next time, see yeah....

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